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Click blue box to make

online donation.

Your Support Makes Ministry Possible

Giving at Holy Faith Church is rooted in the faith of Jesus Christ and in the joy of doing God’s work in the world. You may make a one-time donation or an ongoing contribution in the form of a pledge (see pledge options at right).


There are a few ways you can make a one-time donation or contribute toward your pledge:


In-Person. You will find an offering plate at the back of the church when you come for worship.


By Check. Checks can be mailed to the church office at 6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Saline, MI 48176.


On-line. Online via eGiving (click eGiving blue box link or here)


Stock Transfer. Please contact the parish office for more information:


For help with giving, please contact the parish office: or 734-429-2991.


Whichever way you choose to make your gift, you help share Christ’s light, love, and hope. Thank you.


“If you are not smiling when you sign your pledge card, you have filled in the wrong amount. You have pledged either too much or too little. Give a happy amount!”

The Rev. J. Hugh Magers

Make a Pledge to

Holy Faith Church​​​

  • Make your 2025 annual pledge online here.

  • To print a pdf of the annual pledge form, click ​here.

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